- Gillian Maddigan - Australia’s Number 1 Body Decoder

I have to admit I'm a bit of a "fan girl" when it comes to Gillian. Last year she was a hit with body decoding and this year she joins the breakfast panel to talk all about difficult clients - With this line up 45mins is NOT going to be enough time on this topic hahahahaha :D

How did you start body decoding?
Gillian’s answer - My dad actually developed it into a diploma course so I'm um second generation and it's called psychosomatic therapy. It’s actually been part of my life before it was even a course.

Where were you born?
Gillian - I was born in India and i have anglo-indian parents. I was raised speaking English and when I cam to Australia at a very young age I was shy and confused. I love Australia. I absolutely love it.
When I was young I became a watcher and then circumstances happened and my dad was developing this course and he put this thing together with all these different cultural aspects of reading faces and having an understanding about the feet … and the hands … and the body.
That’s how we actually create a story within ourselves from the bones, to the ligaments, to the tissue, and the muscles, and all the memory that's connected with it.

Watch the video to learn more >>>

From Gillian’s Webpage >>> www.gillianmaddigan.com Gillian Maddigan is a Communication Coach. Her ability to read and understand human beings is as unique as it is profound. 

Gillian learned Psychosomatic Therapy from her father, Hermann Müller, who founded the Psychosomatic Therapy College on the Gold Coast. After tragically losing her husband in a workplace accident, she found herself a single mother of a toddler. She moved to the Gold Coast to escape her memories, expand her world, and started to work with her father, who was developing Psychosomatic Therapy. Gillian worked as an editor of his books and manuals and became the Events Manager for all the festivals they attended around Australia.

The unforeseen twists and turns that life presented to Gillian brought her to her vocation, the art of understanding how the 'whole' body communicates. Gillian's passion and dedication to her calling inspired her to complete a range of qualifications including:

  • Level 1 & 2 Reiki

  • Deep Tissue Therapeutic Massage

  • Master of Clinical Hypnosis

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • Diploma in teaching Psychosomatic Therapy

When working with her clients, Gillian reads their faces and body language to offer feedback on how they are presenting to the rest of the world. She teaches her clients skills and coaches them from the sidelines while they apply them in the ‘Game of life’. She guides them on communicating effectively in all situations and interactions across their lives, from professional work and social settings to personal relationships.

She cultivated a deeper understanding of reading faces and body language when she attended Mind Body and Spirit festivals with her father from 1995. They participated at these festivals across Australia over nine years and could read up to 40 faces each per day. She believes she was enriched by attending these festivals as they laid the experience, speed, and accuracy foundations for everything she now has to offer her clients.

Gillian’s passion is to empower others to understand their own body language and read/decode other people’s non-verbal language. She works with clients to reflect on previous life experiences and uses these learnings to create deep, meaningful, long-lasting connections.

Gillian has experienced the power of change and has reached out to many from live and virtual stages and as a guest speaker on webinars, podcasts, symposiums, and retreats. She is excited to share over 25 years of knowledge and experience with a broader audience, reaching out to as many people as possible to train and coach them to become effective communicators and create deep connections.

Gillian’s 2021 Presentation

We reached out to the 2021 speakers and asked if they would like us to publicly post their content for more therapists to learn and share - Gillian said YES!!! So here it is. Watch as Gillian decodes peoples faces live on zoom and reveals the hidden secrets that many do not know about themselves.

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Trish Palmer and John Pellen.


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