We invite you to be a speaker

Speaker Applications - What is required?

The Australian Hypnosis Conference is all about learning and growing.

Put in your application NOW and upon acceptance we will start advertising you AT the 2024 conference for 2025!!

- Each speaker is asked to teach something and give printable resources to the attendees.

- Each speaker must attend the weekend in full (including Saturday night dinner if a sponsor).

What is included upon acceptance of being a speaker?

- 60 minute time slot for presentation that includes projector screen, microphone and crew members for assistance
- Full 2 day access to the conference
- Morning tea, afternoon tea, lunch and all day tea, coffee and water
- Loot bag upon arrival including LOTS of goodies and treats!
- Access to video Replay area and ability to offer upsell to your services for 12 months - This content is then released to you after this period to do with as you wish
- Promotions on website and social platforms from Feb till the event
- An exhibit table at the event to promote your services/products
- Dinner and entertainment on Saturday night for major and minor sponsors - Standard speakers have the option to purchase this option at cost price
- Opportunity to return the following year and be on a panel to stay front of mind with attendees

FAQ about being a speaker at AHC?

Is there a fee to speak?
- YES – Everyone pays the same fee unless you're lucky enough to be crewing at the event. And who gets to crew? Only our special mentorees! Fee details are below - We offer pay plans as well.

Do you have a keynote speaker?
- NO – Everyone's equal at AHC. Even if Tony Robbins showed up, he'd follow the same rules as everyone else.

Do I have to have a giveaway for attendees?
- NO – But it's a great idea! With so much to take in over two days, a little something for attendees to take home helps them process all that info later.

What if I get accepted as a speaker and then can’t attend?
- We handle this on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes we have to have those tough chats and let speakers go due to poor communication or an inflated ego. We're here to support the industry and provide a fun, down-to-earth experience. If we find a replacement speaker, we’ll refund your money minus the Stripe fees.

Can I speak online instead of in person?
- NO – This event is all about connection, learning, and growing together in person. No virtual loopholes here!

How can I recoup expenses for travel/accommodation etc.?
- We offer post-conference training opportunities, affiliations and you can also have an exhibit at the conference to sell your services/products.

Do you have a wait list for speakers?
- We sure do. We hadn’t finished the event in 2023 and speaker applications for 2024 we coming in.

How many people attend?
- We have a transparency policy on attendance. You will find how many have bought tickets to the current conference on the home page.