2022 - Covid Lingers
2022 - Covid Lingers
Well covid was still lingering … you could say lockdowns were over but the world was up in arms about “opening up”. Year 2 of AHC and we were dubious about doing an in person event incase the government said “lock em down”. As a safe bet we went online again in the hopes that 2023 would be person. Hammering down we aimed to keep hopes alive and networks connected.
Up first we decided to invite back all the speakers from 2021 for a panel with the topic of breakfast chinwag - This topic is “What they don’t teach you in school” - The reality is that working with clients is your best education to becoming an intuitive healer. We laughed at some of the stories we shared and felt comfortable knowing that we weren’t the only ones that had these experiences. It can feel isolating when starting out that your going to do “something wrong”.
We told everyone to turn up in there jarmies if they wanted to an Karyn De Mol had her unicorn onesie ready to rock and give us all a GREAT BIG SMILE!!!
Between Karyn, Dan Goyette, Stuart Walter, John Pellen, Terri Messenger, Cema Santos and myself it was a very honest and raw discussion about how we handled these learning curves of hypnotic business and advice we would like to share with others.
Then onto Day 1 -
Amanda Dounis always shines through when it comes to helping therapists learn how to work with kids. Giving us resources and support.
Then Lois Hermann popped in from the USA to take us on a spiritual journey about sacred spaces. Teaching us to never let go of hope. Go to her website she has chronicles of books about hope.

Pierre Benoit from Canada popped in to talk about HypnoDream and how our dreams are always talking to us, giving us messages or sorting out our mind. He shared his 5 steps to dream analysis and how important it was to ensure that the client sources their own answers and resources for guidance.
When then broke for lunch and Stefan Sageman provided some stage hypnosis entertainment.

It’s a big effort organising an event like this online - I would have to say its’s much more difficult than an in person event. In person we can solve things quickly but tech takes a little longer due to upload speeds and internet connections (plus also ensuring people don’t get bored). Good thing we had great speakers with even better information.
After lunch we powered on with Christian Skoorsmith touching on a topic many of us have faced but not delved into - Working with transgender identities. Christian gave his life experiences and advice on how the future is changing and how we can level up towards it.
Karyn De Mol then took the lead talking about how we can heal with sounds and how sounds contain elements. Should we be humming, singing, yelling? that’s the question Karyn was answering inside her presentation.
Brainspotting. Heard of it? Ernest Frost lead the way to teach us not only the history of brainspotting but how effective it is for healing without words. The reality is some clients struggle to talk and some simply can’t. This is where brainspotting steps in.
From here Meera Duncan stepped in to talk about how Bi-Polar can be managed with hypnosis and that it is not a life sentence of pain and despair. Showing off the studies and support behind her she definetly knows her stuff!!
Day 2 of the Australian Hypnosis Conference - 2022
Day 2 began with a brekkie panel about spirituality and does it belong in the hypnosis scene?
Jan haldane, Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber, Shari Ware and Rebekah Fisher pointed out the on one side we have the doctors and surgeons etc whilst on the other side we have spirituality. Hypnosis was the centre fold between the two worlds and yes they can co exist in peace and harmony.
It was a wonderful discussion about experiences, people and blocks we had all faced when we were coming into our spiritual path. Kathy Welter joined us to talk about shamanism. and how in Canada she has gigantic trees on her property that take 9 people hand in hand to make up the circumference of the trunks. Kathy also taught us how non conscious influences come in and out of our lives to direct and help us on our journey.
Olivia Walford was up next talking about working with kids and how she started on her business. Olivia was always passionate about hypnosis but was moved to working with kids more and more by parents requesting assistance from schools. Olivia has taken her life experiences and shared them with us to help the community grow into helping kids more and more.

Keeping in the theme of kids Rebekah Fisher took us back even further to working with hypnotherapy for childbirth and educated us all how birth is a natural process and we must learn to relax into it.

During the lunch break we enjoyed live reading from Australian psychic and medium Donna Young giving guidance whilst we enjoyed a break.
Eva Goulette then started talking about spirituality in kids and how she runs a spirit camp each year for the children that are spiritually connected/confused so they can learn about their abilities in a secure and safe environment.
Then lastly it was John and I demonstrating our VR hypnosis creation and how the future is closer than we think. VR is huge in the gamin community and slowly starting to develop into the health section. We demonstrated how real life scenarios can be adapted into the healing space for real change.
With that I sill sign out and see you in 2023!! Hopefully we can do it in person.