Drew Glebow
- Erotic Hypnosis -
Drew reached out to me and said “What kind of topics can I talk about at AHC and how open minded are you?” INTANTLY I went … you tell me …
Drew must have been nervous but he didn’t know who he was talking to either (I’ll tell you why in a moment) he messaged back asking if he could teach erotic hypnosis and my response was YOUR IN! Don’t worry about applying to be a speaker just fill this in.
You see I have had an erotic hypnosis community since 2020 and I have been rather disappointed about how the community is so secretive and not many will offer training (and trust me some of those that do offer the training should not be offering the training - One lady I saw WAY TO MUCH of her to mention).
Watch the video and then register for the AHC in Melbourne (and why not book the post conference training as well) - Drew will be teaching you not only about sexual health but also belief systems that block performance and effect 1 in 3 Australians.
Learn EROTIC HYPNOSIS whilst you are there >> book in for the post conference training - READ MORE HERE
What’s included in registration?
- 2 FULL Days of Learning and Growing - Get to know & network with speakers/professionals in the industry.
- A loot bag that includes ALL Speaker printouts and information for you to enjoy + the opportunity of adding a VR Headset that includes access to our VR Hypnosis Library.
- FOOD! SO MUCH FOOD! All day tea/coffee/water, + morning tea, afternoon tea and buffet lunch each day
- Replays to enjoy the content again till Nov 1st, 2024
- Print outs off all speaker giveaways and itinerary
- Free 12 month listing on findahypnotherapist.directory
- 10 Points granted by The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (Certificate Supplied on Request)
- The speakers secret (the info will be inside your loot bag .... shhhhhh! it's a secret :)
- Take photos at the photo booth and browse the exhibits for training, equipment and bonus’s
All attendees receive Drew’s guide to erotic hypnosis to take home and keep!