Pamm Millage

- Bust Your Karma -

Karma is a concept that has fascinated philosophers and spiritual seekers, however Pamm is one of the experts in the field. Understanding the fundamental principles of karma and how all our actions have consequences that will shape our present and future.

But what is Karma?

Karma, at its core, is the law of cause and effect. It is a belief that our actions, intentions, and thoughts create a chain of events that determine our present and future experiences. Many of us have been asked the question “Do you have any regrets?” knowing that some of our choices and actions could’ve been better.

3 rules of Karma in Western Philosophy -

1.    Law of Attraction: Like attracts like. Positive thoughts and actions attract positive outcomes, while negative thoughts and actions lead to negative results.

2.    Moral Accountability: Karma is seen as a moral compass, holding individuals accountable for their choices and actions. It encourages personal responsibility and ethical behaviour.

3.    Karma as a Guiding Principle: Embrace karma as a guiding principle for conscious living, emphasizing the importance of intention, mindfulness, and the power of choice.

What are the effects of Karma on Our Lives?

Understanding the impact of karma on our lives can shed light on the interconnectedness of our actions and experiences. Karma influences both our personal journey and the collective fabric of society.

Relationships: Karma plays a crucial role in shaping our relationships. The energy we invest in our interactions, the kindness we show, and the integrity we uphold contribute to the quality of our connections with others.

Health and Well-being: The choices we make regarding our physical, mental, and emotional well-being have karmic implications. Positive habits and self-care practices contribute to overall health and vitality.

Success and Achievement: Karma influences our path to success and achievement. Hard work, dedication, and positive actions can attract opportunities and favorable circumstances, leading to personal growth and accomplishment.

Come along and meet Pamm at Australian Hypnosis Conference. She will have you beaming from ear to ear as her energy if grounded and uplifting all in the space.

What’s included in registration?

- 2 FULL Days of Learning and Growing - Get to know & network with speakers/professionals in the industry.
- A loot bag that includes ALL Speaker printouts and information for you to enjoy + the opportunity of adding a VR Headset that includes access to our VR Hypnosis Library.
- FOOD! SO MUCH FOOD! All day tea/coffee/water, + morning tea, afternoon tea and buffet lunch each day
- Replays to enjoy the content again till Nov 1st, 2024
- Print outs off all speaker giveaways and itinerary
- Free 12 month listing on
- 10 Points granted by The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (Certificate Supplied on Request)
- The speakers secret (the info will be inside your loot bag .... shhhhhh! it's a secret :)
- Take photos at the photo booth and browse the exhibits for training, equipment and bonus’s


All attendees receive Pamm’s guide to busting your karma to take home and keep!


Trish Palmer and John Pellen.

Dawn Grace Kelly


Drew Glebow