Offer expires on March 31st,2025
This offer includes a FULL upgraded ticket with dinner to AHC 2025
2 ways to purchase - Pay in full OR Payplan >> $45 a month for 11 months
All purchases (in person or via zoom are upgraded)
Conditions - We will register you manually when we have full details - We have a no refund policy (but we will assist by transferring you to the next years conference or attendance via zoom) -
What’s Included with Your In Person Registration?
2 FULL Days of Learning and Growing - Get to know and network with speakers and professionals in the industry.
- A loot bag that includes ALL Speaker printouts and information for you to enjoy
- 2 Early morning healing sessions to kick start the day
- Body Scan demonstrations with Dr. Sue Williams - Where is your energy at?
- FOOD! SO MUCH FOOD! All day tea/coffee/water, plus morning tea, afternoon tea and buffet lunch each day
- Saturday night dinner and entertainment 80s theme
- Replays to enjoy the content again till Nov 1st, 2026
- Print outs off all speaker giveaways and itinerary
- Free listing on our directory for 12 months
- Create a social short movie with World Hypnotism Day
- 10 Points granted by The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists and Clinical Hypnosis Australia (Certificate Supplied on Request)
- The speakers secret - Look in your loot bag for this one!
- Pop into the live broadcast with Rodney and Lisa
- Take photos at the photo booth and browse the exhibits for training, equipment and bonus’s
The Australian Hypnosis Conference ASCH is recognised for 10 OPD/CPD points by the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy. To add to the experience all of our speakers will teach you something to take home as well as give you a PDF to download. The AHC is not another summit that you pay to attend and then listen to some sales pitch (that stuff annoys us as well). This experience has been designed to enhance your skills, knowledge and practices.
Yes - You will also receive a snacky snack box to enjoy whilst watching - You can choose the snack box that you would like the most!
We will upload the replays as soon as we can after the event (it will take about 2 weeks).
As part of registration you will receive an access code to register for the members area and watch the replays and more.
Lost your login/password? Start by searching the email you may have registered with. Search for Australian Hypnosis Conference Login alternatively you can email us - We can’t tell you your password as we do not keep this information on file. However, we can assist you with creating a new password and helping you login. -
Australian Hypnosis Conference has a high ethical value. All our speakers keep 90% of booking revenue and 100% of revenue from sales of products/services on exhibits.
All speakers keep their content and we do not on sell it outside of AHC. We believe in supporting our speakers and the future of the industry in a morale and ethical manner. All speaker content belongs to the speaker and any recordings etc are given to the speaker to do what they wish with. -
Absolutely! Chat away!
Yes! Simply click the purchase here button and follow the onscreen prompts.
We sure do! You will be able to purchase books, trainings, merchandise and more at the AHC - If attending online we will create an online shopping link for you to purchase items from the individual speaker and show your support.