- Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber -
The Remarkable Healing Power of Esoteric Hypnotherapy
- Ancient Wisdoms for Modern Times
A Universal Award Winning Vibrational Medicine System for Holistic Healing and Natural WellbeingCompletely Revised and Expanded Second EditionIn this groundbreaking book, you will discover the world’s first totally integrated and comprehensive natural non-intrusive holistic therapy system that works with the power of nature and the quantum world of vibrational medicine.You will learn how to restore and maintain holistic wellbeing using the award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand ® range of flower and plant essences.This book is the complete reference guide to selecting and working with the 84 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand ® flower, fern, tree, seed and plant essences No’s 1-84 for restoring and maintaining natural wellbeing.Written by an award winning vibrational medicine researcher, expert and specialist Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber, this definitive ethnobotanical reference book restores the ancient universal teachings of sacred plant medicine that are at the heart of the earth wisdom tradition. It provides in depth information on the very unique and remarkable vibrational healing qualities of the native plants of Aotearoa, New Zealand when worked with in the form of the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand ® range of flower and plant essences.Flower essences are a very ancient form of ethno-medicine that have been used for thousands of years that is based on the powerful spiritual link between plants, humankind and wellbeing. This book provides comprehensive in depth information on the extraordinary qualities inherent in New Zealand native flowers, ferns, trees, seeds and plants and is a practical hands on guide as to how a powerful award winning vibrational medicine system can be used to support everyday holistic wellbeing, personal growth and development.What You Will DiscoverHow to work with the power of nature and the quantum world of vibrational medicine in the form of the 5 phases of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand ® Nature’s Holistic Healing Matrix © and the award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand ® range of flower and plant essences.Discover ground breaking information and the ancient universal teachings of sacred plant medicine that are at the heart of the earth wisdom tradition.Learn how and why the nature power of Aotearoa, New Zealand has stepped forward to assist humanity and the world community in the Aquarian Age.Discover how to address the underlying energetic cause of dis-ease and disharmony by addressing the whole person, including personality, aura, chakras, DNA and soul.NEW Learn how to work with the three-fold energy expression to address the underlying energetic cause of pain, stress and depression.NEW Learn about the vibrational distinction between different natural approaches to health and how you can achieve true holistic wellbeing.NEW Learn about the First Light ® Medicine Wheel © – the lifelong road map for achieving success in your quest for deeper meaning, purpose and intimacy and for creating union with your soul self, spirit self, divine self and cosmic self.NEW Learn about Devas and how to work directly with Devic power to nurture and germinate the seeds of your own divinity that are deep within you.The complete reference guide to selecting and working with the 84 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand ® flower, fern, tree, seed and plant essences No’s 1-84 for restoring and maintaining natural wellbeing.And much, much more
Checkout Franchelle’s webpage for training opportunities and downloads >>> www.franchelle.com
My Journey of Light
My name is Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. I am the founder of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® and creator of Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®, Golden Grid Technique® and HypnoSoul Coach®. Through the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® I provide the world’s first esoteric hypnosis training programs. My area of speciality is the metaphysical, spiritual, shamanic, esoteric and occult aspects of hypnosis and I am the leading authority on esoteric hypnosis and Hermetic Occult Psychology®.
I am a spiritual teacher, author, multi-award winning vibrational medicine specialist, a fully trained and qualified professional clinical hypnotherapist, healer, medicine woman, high priestess, ritual shamaness and author of two seminal books on sacred plant medicine and eighth ray ritual and magic.
My life has been and continues to be an absolutely extraordinary one. It is a life that has been totally dedicated to spirit for as long as I remember. A journey of light revealing the limitlessness of the human spirit.
Born in New Zealand, with highly developed clairvoyant and supersensory abilities and psychic gifts, I am of Russian and Native American descent. The old ways of knowing and connecting with the unseen realm were in my blood long before I was born. I have always been consciously aware of my ability to communicate directly with the spiritual and metaphysical realms.
For as long as I can remember I have experienced a multidimensional reality and been able to see and feel energies around people and places. I have always understood that everything is simply vibration. I have been able to hear what people are thinking and know what they are feeling. I have been able to tune into their essence, their spirit and see things about them that their spirit wished to reveal to me.
The world beyond the three-dimensional reality was the world familiar to me from a very young age. As a child I could see a person’s aura or energy field and the state of their consciousness. I would look at a person and clearly see the underlying dis-harmonious attitudes, emotions and mental states that cause this person’s problems or illness.
I could see houses, or places that had been affected by the negative energy of people's emotions, thoughts and actions and how black smoky energy would stay in a room long after an argument or disagreement had taken place in a room, or place. The interplay of light and energy streams between animate or inanimate objects would reveal to me peoples' true intentions and reveal to me what was really going on in different situations with different people.
At the age of 16 I was creating my own flower remedies for my clients and in the tradition of my lineage had formally dedicated myself to a path of spiritual service.
On my father’s side, I come from a long line of medicine men and women with highly developed psychic abilities. On my mother’s side, I carry a lineage of Russian healers and shamans.
My mother was a gypsy and from a very early age I travelled all over New Zealand connecting with nature and learning about the healing properties of plants.
When I was 7 years old, I was given the medicine name ‘Buffalo Woman Returns’. At that time I started to develop a very close magical relationship with nature and I became conscious of my ability to communicate and interact with the plant kingdom and nature spirits.